No. 1: Sour can be just as bad as sweet.
Sugar isn’t the only dental villain that undermines healthy teeth. Acidic, low-pH foods, such as sour candy, wine & fruit juices soften teeth. The result: enamel erosion and diminished tooth size. Citric acid is the worst acid for your teeth.
No. 2: Enamel is the hardest substance in the body, but it can break easily.
Ice, popcorn, and tongue & lip piercings can chip teeth. Unlike skin, teeth can’t re-grow. Just as you wouldn’t run a marathon with a bad leg, you shouldn’t chomp away if your teeth aren’t as strong as they used to be, ie: if they are broken down or even if they have fillings.
No. 3: You can be missing teeth at any age.
Although many people get a tooth, or all 32, pulled out, some people are born with missing teeth. The most common missing ones are the wisdom teeth. The second most common is the lateral incisor, which are located next to the big front teeth. People can also inherit missing teeth.
No. 4: Too much fluoride can be bad for your teeth.
We know that fluoride is important for healthy teeth. But kids who ingest excessive amounts of this substance when they’re 8 or younger, can develop a condition known as fluorosis. This happens when their permanent teeth are developing under the gums. Fluorosis results in white spots covering the teeth. This can actually make your teeth more susceptible to cavities. Children up to 3 should use a rice-sized smear of fluoridated toothpaste. Kids from 3-6 should use a pea-sized amount.
No. 5: Braces can contribute to cavities.
Well, it’s not necessarily the braces that cause cavities, it’s not brushing your teeth regularly and flossing when you have braces. If you don’t brush and floss regularly then food is likely to get stuck in the braces, and contribute to bacteria growth, which leads to cavities. Also, the tongue is nature’s toothbrush, when people get braces; they tend to stop rubbing their tongue against their teeth because it’s not comfortable.
No. 6: The average person produces more than 37000 litres of saliva in a lifetime.
While this might sound disgusting, saliva production is very important for oral hygiene. Saliva helps to wash away food and bacteria and prevents bad breath, tooth decay and oral sores. So, the more saliva you produce the healthier your mouth should be.
No. 7: Baby teeth usually fall out in the same order that they came in!
They just can!